Shanti Stupa

Shanti Stupa
Author : Admin
Date : 02 Jan 2019
Categories: Place

Shanti Stupa stands peacefully and beautifully on a hilltop in a place called Changspa in Leh. It is a white-domed Buddhist Stupa built by the Japanese and Ladakh Buddhists. The structure of the Stupa is unique and magnificent. It was built to encourage and promote world peace and prosperity. If you choose the staircase to reach Shanti Stupa instead of the road, not only would it be fun but also a satisfying adventure.


Shanti Stupa looks beautiful and serene in all four seasons, and especially when it snows. You can have a look at the picturesque view of the Leh market, Changspa village and surrounding areas from the Stupa. It is a tourist destined place and definitely a niche for photographers. It is also a perfect place to meditate and to find a peace of mind. Lend this place your curiosity and it will mesmerize you with its utmost beauty and calmness.

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