New Routes for Tourists in Ladakh

New Routes for Tourists in Ladakh
Author : Admin
Date : 19 Dec 2018
Categories: Information

For more stellar experiences for both the tourists and trekkers, the home ministry cleared the state government’s proposal to open up five new routes through the moonscape for tourists and four trails for trekkers in Ladakh. And to add to your excitement, the validity of tourist permits for travelling through the new and existing routes has also been increased to 15 days from 7 days at present.

The five new routes for tourists are Merak-Loma Bend Axis, Chushul-Kartsangla-Mahe, Durbuk-Shachukul-Tharuk-Sato Kargyam-Parma-Erath-Chushul and Loma-Hanley, Korzok-Nurbo-Sumdo-Parangla-Kazaand, and Agham-Shayok-Durbuk.

Whereas the four trials for trekkers are Phyang-Dokla-Hunderdok, Basgo-Ney-Hunderdok-Hunder, Temisgam-Largyap-Panchathank-Skuru, and Saspol-Saspochy-Rakurala-Skuru. Most of the new tourist routes are accessible by roads. And there will be a small restriction on the night stays owing to safety and security of tourists; the trekkers will not be allowed night stays on any trekking route. However, people will be allowed night stays on some tourist routes.

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